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Specialus „Lieknėju ir deginu” rinkinys

Original price was: 99.85 €.Current price is: 56.98 €.


IR TOKS PASIŪLYMAS TIK RIBOTĄ LAIKĄ! TODĖL ŠIOS GALIMYBĖS, GAUTI DU SKANIAUSIUS LIEKNĖJIMO KOKTEILIUS RINKOJE, UŽ VIENO KAINĄ – NEGALI PRALEISTI! *Pagrindinis dalykas ką Tau reikia žinoti, tai šiam rinkiniui netaikomos jokios papildomos nuolaidos. Kad gauti nemokamą kokteilį nereikalingi jokie nuolaidų kodai ar mažiausios krepšelio sumos! Dovanos Slim Queen kokteiliai nesisumuoja!

Slim Queen – tai maistas Jūsų svorio kontrolei bei pagalbininkas dailioms kūno formoms palaikyti. Taip pat, tai bus puiki Jūsų alternatyva kai nespėjate užkąsti ar papusryčiauti. Taip pat tai bus puiki alternatyva nespėjant užkąsti ar papusryčiauti. Tai tobulas sprendimas kai norite greit pasigaminti sveikus pusryčius ir skubėti į darbus ar mokslus. Idealus sprendimas kai tiesiog norite papildyti kūną naudingomis maistinėmis medžiagomis, vitaminais, mineralais. Slim Queen kokteiliai prisidės ir prie Jūsų skalndesnės, geresnės žarnyno veiklos, papildys žarnyną prebiotikais. Tobulai subalansuoti skoniai ir Premium kokybės sudėtis.

By replacing breakfast, dinner or daily snack with Slim Queen, you can now easily reduce your weight. Try the especially delicious flavors of vanilla, chocolate, fresh strawberry and choose your favorite. Now it's even easier to prepare and shape your body for the summer with the Queen slimming cocktail! Contains up to 22 different vitamins and minerals!

Without synthetic flavor enhancers, dyes and synthetic preservatives!

Šiame rinkinyje rasi dar ir mūsų kitą perkamiausią gaminį – „Burning Queen” riebalų degintojo kqpsules.

For better and faster weight loss, it can make sense to boost your metabolism with adequate sleep and exercise, a varied and balanced diet, and adequate fluid intake.

Šių kapsulių sudėtyje yra ekstrakto iš žalių kavos pupelių, žaliosios arbatos ir guaranos vaisių. Turėdamas stiprią 42 mg kofeino paros dozę, tai taip pat veikia kaip papildomas energijos šaltinis. Palaiko riebalų apykaitą.

Rinkinį sudaro – du pasirinktų skonių Slim Queen kokteiliai ir viena pakuotė Burning Queen kapsulių. Kokteilius vartojant vieną kartą per dieną jų užteks vidutiniškai vienam mėnesiui. Kapsulių užteks net dviems mėnesiams.


Substituting a creamy and delicious Slim Queen breakfast, dinner or snack with a smoothie makes your weight management and weight loss easier. By simply replacing one or two meals with the creamy and delicious Slim Queen Shake, you'll be cutting calories and therefore your weight, while providing your body with important vitamins and nutrients. Losing weight has never tasted so good! And the best thing: one portion contains ONLY 250 kcal and does not contain any added sugar, synthetic flavor enhancers or synthetic preservatives. You can prepare a portion of the cocktail in less than a minute - so nothing will really stop you from achieving your desired goal of losing weight and achieving the body of your dreams.

Who is the SLIM cocktail suitable for?

"Slim Queen" cocktail is perfect for you if you follow the principles of a healthy diet, lose or want to lose weight, improve your body lines or simply get the protein, vitamins and minerals your body needs by enjoying a very delicious, sweet milkshake. 

For one serving (equivalent to one meal), add 30 g of powder (1 measuring spoon included in the package) to a drinker or blender, mix with 275 ml of cold milk or water and blend for about 20 seconds. Now you can taste it!

* If you want to lose weight, you should replace two meals a day (preferably breakfast, one daily snack or dinner) with a Slim Queen shake. If your goal is to maintain your weight, it is enough to replace one meal with one portion of a shake per day. To do this, you should follow the preparation recommendations. It is also recommended to drink enough fluids during the day, preferably water. The cocktail fulfills its intended purpose in accordance with the principles of healthy nutrition, so you should make sure that other food products will also be part of your diet, a healthy diet.

Whey protein concentrate (contains emulsifier: sunflower lecithin), maltodextrin, calcium caseinate (contains milk, contains emulsifier: sunflower lecithin), emulsifier: soy lecithin, thickener: glucomannan; Flavouring, magnesium carbonate, calcium carbonate, thickener: xanthan; Salt, low-fat cocoa powder, potassium citrate, coloring beta-carotene, L-ascorbic acid, sweetener: sucrose; Ferrous sulfate, zinc gluconate, copper gluconate, manganese sulfate, potassium iodide, sodium selenite, nicotinamide, dl-alpha-tocopheryl acetate, calcium D-pantothenate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, thiamine mononitrate, retinyl acetate, pteroylmonoglutaminesinure, phytomenadione, , manganese gluconate, cholecalciferol , cyanocobalamin.

Contains soy, dairy products. May contain traces of eggs and gluten.

With Sweetener(s), Emulsifier(s), Flavor(s), Thickener(s), Color.

1,691.47 kj, 404.00 kcal / 507.44 kj 121.20 kcal 6.06 percent.

fat 11.00 g/ 3.30 g 4.71%
of which: saturated fatty acids 1.50 g / 0.45 g 2.25%
carbohydrates 37.00 g / 11.10 g 4.27 percent
of which sugars 5.30 g / 1.59 g 1.77 percent.
fiber materials 3.90 g / 1.17 g 3.90%
protein 37.00 g / 11.10 g 22.20%
of salts 1.00 g / 0.30 g 5.00%


Vitamin A 1,007.00 μg 302.10 µg 37.76%
Vitamin D 5.00 μg 1.50 μg 30.00%
Vitamin E 14.50 mg 4.35 mg 36.25%
vitamin C 115.60 mg 34.68 mg 43.35%
thiamine 1.40 mg 0.42 mg 38.18%
riboflavin 1.90 mg 0.57 mg 40.71%
niacin 19.40 mg 5.82 mg 36.38%
Vitamin B6 1.70 mg 0.51 mg 36.43%
Folic acid 246.30 µg 73.89 µg 36.95%
Vitamin B12 3.00 μg 0.90 μg 36.00%
biotin 60.60 μg 18.18 µg 36.36%
pantothenic acid 7.40 mg 2.22 mg 37.00%

** Recommended daily rate (percentage) of nutrients according to Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011.

potassium 286.30 mg 85.89 mg 4.29%
calcium 710.70 mg 213.21 mg 26.65%
of phosphorus 212.50 mg 63.75 mg 9.11%
magnesium 350.80 mg 105.24 mg 28.06%
iron 23.80 mg 7.14 mg 51.00%
zinc 12.90 mg 3.87 mg 38.70%
copper 1.40 mg 0.42 mg 42.00%
manganese 2.50 mg 0.75 mg 37.50%
selenium 77.90 μg 23.37 µg 42.49%
of iodine 172.80 µg 51.84 µg 34.56%

Storage: Store in a cool, dry place and protected from light.
With aroma. With sweetener.
Net quantity: 420 g.
Note: Ensure adequate fluid intake on a daily basis. It is necessary to follow the preparation instructions.
Place of origin: Germany



„Burning Queen“ yra mažasis pagalbininkas kiekvienai dietai. Tokios augalinės medžiagos kaip Garcinia Cambogia yra optimalus maisto papildas ir palaiko jūsų medžiagų apykaitą. Iš čia kilo pavadinimas „ Burning Queen“ .

Other ingredients such as ginger extract (11.1%), guarana extract (8.5%) and green coffee extract (5%) are natural stimulants, and the daily dose, per tablet contains 42 mg of caffeine, making Burning Queen fat burner excellent it is also suitable to drink before training.

Our "Burning Queen" capsules are perfect for you if you are looking for the right supplement during your diet to help you get rid of extra pounds and you want to avoid the signs of tiredness and fatigue in everyday life. In addition, the food supplement contributes to a healthy diet, so it is suitable for everyone who wants to eat healthily and consciously.

Recommended dose: take 1 capsule a day with water.

Storage: Store the product in a cool, dry place out of the reach of small children.

A food supplement cannot be used as a food substitute. An active lifestyle and a varied, balanced diet are important.

Net content: 54 g (60 capsules).

Composition: 20,16% guarana extract (22% caffeine, Paullina cupana, caffeine, coloring: caramel, contains sulfites), 19.47% green tea extract (40% polyphenols, 3% caffeine, Camellia sinensis), 11.25% Garcinia cambogia extract (60% hydroxycitric acid, Garcinia cambogia), 6.1% bitartracholin, 6.1% inositol, N-acetyl-L-tyrosine, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Calcium Phosphate, 2.42% Salix Extract (15% Salicin, Salix alba), L-Carnitine Tartrate, 2.0% Citrus Aurantium Extract (6% Synephrine, Citrus aurantium), 2.0% Ginkgo Extract (3% Flavonol Glycosides), Ginkgo biloba ), 2.0% coleus extract (10% forskolin, coleus forskohli), 2.0% capsicum extract (2.5% capsaicin, capsicum annum), magnesium stearate, 0.3% Citrus aurantium extract, 0.2% black pepper extract (95% piperine, Piper nigrum), maltodextrin.


Slim Queen cocktail flavor

"Sviestinių sausainių(Pristatymas 8-10 d.d.)", "Oreo sausainių(Pristatymas 8-10 d.d.)", "Šokoladinis(Pristatymas 8-10 d.d.)", "Šalta kava(Pristatymas 8-10 d.d.)", "Baltojo šokolado – pistacijų(Pristatymas 3-5 d.d.)", "Braškių(Pristatymas 3-5 d.d.)"

Nemokamo "Slim Queen" kokteilio skonis

"Sviestinių sausainių(Pristatymas 8-10 d.d.)", "Oreo sausainių(Pristatymas 8-10 d.d.)", "Šokoladinis(Pristatymas 8-10 d.d.)", "Šalta kava(Pristatymas 8-10 d.d.)", "Baltojo šokolado – pistacijų(Pristatymas 3-5 d.d.)", "Braškių(Pristatymas 3-5 d.d.)"


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